Paying a divorce attorney is probably up there with paying taxes on the list of ways that you want to spend money. Yet, if you want a divorce you should consider hiring a lawyer. If you don’t the consequences can be significant just as they can be if you don’t pay what you owe the […]
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The Superior Court of Pennsylvania recently issued a decision that addressed an interesting interplay between family law and immigration law. The case, Love v. Love, involved a husband who had filed an immigration affidavit of support with the Department of Homeland Security in order to help his wife, a German citizen, gain status as a […]
Continue readingWhen you choose a Pennsylvania divorce lawyer to take the burden off you and your spouse, you leave your future in their hands. You are legally bound to the terms of the settlement agreement and may be required to pay more than you expected due to ambiguous language in the agreement. A two-judge appellate panel […]
Continue readingA divorce is a unique and important event and you need a divorce lawyer who is dependable and committed to helping you. Our divorce lawyers can help you whether you are filing for divorce or whether your spouse has initiated the divorce process. Together, we will work with you to solve complicated issues of child custody, […]
Continue readingPennsylvania divorce decrees not only divide a couple’s assets but also their debts. For example, a Pennsylvania divorce decree may assign responsibility for joint credit card balances to one spouse. The divorce decree makes that debt the legal responsibility of the spouse to whom it was assigned. What Happens When your Ex-Spouse Fails to Make […]
Continue readingBefore filing for your Pennsylvania online divorce you may need to negotiated child custody rights and visitation with your spouse. Since online divorce requires that there are no disputes between the two parties, child custody issues must be resolved before you file or it won’t be considered an uncontested divorce. Below are a few tips […]
Continue readingThird Party Custody It is common knowledge (well, one would assume…) that matters regarding custody are determined in favor of the best interest of the child. When child custody issues arise involving natural parents and a third party, the third party faces a daunting task as the burden of proof relies on them to prove […]
Continue readingIn order to be released from the bonds of matrimony, you must first prove the existence of said relationship. Not a problem for most. However, it may not prove to be such an easy task if you are dealing with a Common Law Marriage. Specifically if you and your “spouse” disagree on the status of […]
Continue readingDivorce can be an emotionally challenging time – and one that you may have to endure without the steady and unconditional companionship of your beloved pet if you are not careful. While you love your pet as if it were your child, the court may not view your pet with the same consideration. Traditionally, pets […]
Continue readingNot all Pennsylvania divorces are the same. Some divorces are long, expensive, and painful court proceedings while others are relatively quiet and quick procedures. One way to end your marriage quietly and quickly is to do so through an uncontested divorce – if it is appropriate for you. When Uncontested Divorces May be Appropriate Generally, […]
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