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What is Marital Property in Pennsylvania?

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In Pennsylvania, when it comes to dividing assets, the state follows equitable distribution laws. This article is here to shed some light on the concept of marital property in Pennsylvania. We’ll give you a clear, accurate, and comprehensive understanding of what assets and debts are considered part of the marital estate, what it means for splits, and how they may be divided in case of a divorce.

PA Law’s Definition of Marital Property

Marital property, also known as “marital estate” or “community property,” refers to all assets and debts that a couple acquires during their marriage. This can include physical property such as real estate, vehicles, financial investments, retirement accounts, business interests, and debts such as mortgages or credit card balances. “Marital property ” can include a wide range of other items as well, such as digital property, cryptocurrency, insurance policies, professional degrees, and pets.

Marital property does not just refer to assets that are jointly owned or titled; even if an asset is solely in one spouse’s name, it may still be considered marital property if it was acquired during the marriage.

Judge hammer and laptop house, concept of real estate auction or house division by division of property

What are the most common categories of Marital property

Marital property, or community property, typically includes any assets acquired or income earned by either spouse during the marriage. Here are some of the most common categories of marital property:

  • Real Estate: This usually includes any properties purchased during the marriage, regardless of whose name is on the title.
  • Home: The home in which the couple resides typically falls under marital property. This includes any equity built up in the home during the marriage.
  • Business Assets: If either spouse starts a business during the marriage, the business and its assets are generally considered marital property.
  • Savings: Money saved during the marriage, whether in a joint or individual bank account, is usually classified as marital property.
  • Retirement Accounts: Contributions made to retirement accounts, such as 401(k)s, IRAs, and pensions during the marriage are typically considered marital property.
  • Personal Property: This encompasses cars, furniture, jewelry, and other personal belongings acquired during the marriage.

This list is not exhaustive, and there may be exceptions or additional categories based on local laws and specific situations. Always setup a consultation with a legal professional to understand the specifics.

What Marital property may be overlooked in A PA Divorce

There is a range of other assets that may be part of the marital estate. Frequent flyer miles or credit card points accumulated during the marriage are another commonly overlooked asset. These can add up to substantial value and should be considered in asset division.

Moreover, any tax refunds that are due or have not yet been received but stem from income earned during the marriage are marital assets.

Lastly, if either spouse has contributed to a 529 college savings plan for the children during the marriage, these contributions are considered marital assets and should be divided accordingly.

It’s always important to thoroughly review all potential assets with a lawyer, such as one of the Philadelphia divorce lawyers at Petrelli Previtera, LLC, to ensure a fair and equitable division.

Additionally, life insurance policies, particularly those with cash value, are also considered marital property. Intellectual property, such as copyrights, patents, or royalties from a book published during the marriage, also fall into this category.

Another important asset that may be overlooked is any profit-sharing or stock option plans through an employer, as these are also considered marital property.

The process of Dividing Marital property

In Pennsylvania, the process of dividing marital property is often termed “equitable distribution”. This means that the court divides the marital property between the spouses fairly and equitably. However, “equitable” doesn’t necessarily mean “equal”. The court considers various factors such as the length of the marriage, each spouse’s earning capabilities, the age and health of each spouse, and the standard of living established during the marriage. The court may also consider each spouse’s contribution as a homemaker or to the education and earning power of the other spouse. The process begins with identifying and valuing the marital property, leading to the actual division of the assets.

Legal Professional Guidance with Marital Property in PA

The process of dividing marital property can be emotionally exhausting as divorcing clients can hold deep emotional attachments to their marital assets. A family law attorney can provide insight into how Pennsylvania courts have divided similar assets in previous cases, helping you understand what to expect during the division process. They can also assist with identifying and valuing assets, working with professionals as needed for fair valuations, as well as negotiating on your behalf to achieve a fair and favorable outcome. The decisions made during a divorce can have long-term effects on your financial stability. An attorney, like those at Petrelli Previtera, LLC, can ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive an equitable share of the marital property.

Difference between Marital Property and Separate Property

While marital property encompasses assets and debts accumulated during the marriage, separate property refers to assets and debts one party owned before the marriage. Separate property can also include items gifted or inherited by one spouse individually during the marriage. Even though separate property can become marital property under specific conditions (like if it’s commingled with marital assets), generally, it remains with the original owner upon divorce. For instance, if a wife inherits a house during the marriage but the couple never lives there or invests marital funds into it, the house would likely be considered the wife’s separate property. Understanding the distinction between marital and separate property is essential when it comes to property division at the time of a divorce.

What Assets are Not marital property in PA?

In Pennsylvania, as in many other states, certain types of assets are generally considered separate property and, therefore, not subject to division during a divorce. One prominent example is property owned by either spouse prior to the marriage. This could include a house, a car, or other substantial assets.

Another common form of separate property is any inheritance received by an individual spouse, regardless of whether it was received before or during the marriage. For instance, if a spouse inherits money or property from a family member, these assets are typically considered separate property.

Gifts given solely to one spouse, either from the other spouse or an external party, are also usually classified as separate property. This could encompass a wide range of items, from jewelry to pieces of art.

Earnings from separate properties are also often categorized as separate. For instance, if one spouse owns rental property before the marriage, the rental income is generally considered separate property.

However, it’s crucial to note that the exact definitions and distinctions can vary, and sometimes separate property can become marital property under certain conditions, such as when it’s commingled with marital assets. Therefore, it’s always advisable to consult with a legal professional for personalized advice.

Common Misconceptions about Marital Property in PA

There exist several misconceptions about marital property in Pennsylvania. Firstly, many people wrongly assume that property owned solely or primarily by one spouse is not subject to division. However, assets acquired during the marriage, irrespective of whose name is on the title, are generally considered marital property.

Secondly, some individuals believe that marital misconduct, such as infidelity, influences the division of marital property. In truth, Pennsylvania employs the concept of “no-fault” divorce, meaning spouses’ behavior typically has no impact on property distribution.

Lastly, it’s a common misconception that prenuptial agreements are ironclad and cannot be challenged. While these contracts are powerful tools to protect one’s assets, they can be contested under certain circumstances like proven duress, coercion, or misrepresentation at the time of signing.

Remember, these are generalizations, and the specifics of any case can lead to different outcomes. Always seek professional legal advice when dealing with such complex matters.

Negotiating Division of Marital Property in Your Divorce Settlement Agreement

Negotiation plays a crucial role in dividing marital property during a divorce settlement. It’s typically in the best interests of both parties to strive for a fair and equitable distribution without court intervention. This can be achieved through open and honest communication about the value of assets, liabilities, incomes, and future financial projections. Professional mediation or collaborative divorce can also help facilitate these discussions and strike a balance.

In undertaking these negotiations, each spouse must fully disclose all their assets. Failure to do so can lead to legal consequences and potential revisiting of the settlement.

Handling Complex Non-Liquid Property

Complex, non-liquid assets such as businesses, pensions, and real estate can complicate the division of marital property. Their division requires thorough valuation and an understanding of the potential tax implications.

In the case of a shared business, options include one spouse buying out the other’s interest, selling the business and splitting profits, or continuing to co-own the business post-divorce. Pension rights might need a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) to be divided without triggering penalties. Real estate property, particularly the marital home, can be handled in several ways, from one spouse buying out the other, selling the property and dividing the profits, or agreeing to a delayed distribution.

In all cases, it’s advisable to engage experts such as business valuators, actuaries, or real estate appraisers to ensure accurate assessment and fair distribution. Remember, these are complicated matters, and legal advice should always be sought when navigating divorce settlements.

How We Help Define and Divide Marital Property

Consulting with a legal professional can help identify any potential assets that may have been overlooked and ensure they are properly addressed during the divorce proceedings. An attorney can also assist with negotiating a fair division of assets, as well as guide on any potential tax implications that may arise from the division of certain assets.

Divorce can be a difficult and emotional time, but ensuring a fair division of assets is crucial for both parties involved. By working with an attorney and carefully considering all possible assets, you can ensure that your financial future is protected during and after the divorce. Remember to consider all assets, even seemingly minor ones, and seek legal guidance to ensure a fair outcome for everyone involved. Divorce may be the end of a marriage, but it’s important to approach it with careful planning and attention to detail in order to secure a positive future for yourself and your loved ones.

Client Testimonials

Here's what our clients have to say about working with us. Please note, results may vary based on individual circumstances.

Melinda Previtera, Esq. came highly recommended to our family. Her knowledge base, professionalism, and compassion paved the way for a successful outcome. Melinda is efficient, detailed, and informative. She helps manage expectations, and postures her client for a fair and equitable result. We are happy to recommend Melinda!

Jennifer A.

My experience was very good. Everyone was professional and attentive to my needs, keeping me updated every step of the way. I couldn’t ask for a better result, highly recommended.

David R.

My marriage life has been a hell for me for the past four years until I decided to put an end to what has to be ended. Choosing a lawyer was another additional stressful part of the long process. I’m so glad that I’ve found the right one for me at Petrelli Previtera. Life isn’t always fair, but at least having her in my corner, felt even better. I couldn’t recommend her highly enough!

Caitlin B.

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Philadelphia1845 Walnut Street 19th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103(215) 523-6900view details
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Abington1147 Easton Road, Abington PA 19001(610) 890-4833view details
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West Chester, PA. 19380
(610) 431-4012view details
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